We aim to communicate an enthusiasm and a ‘can do’ approach to learning French; to provide opportunities that will enable all pupils to progress and develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in the subject; to develop in each child an open-minded interest in other countries and cultures; to enhance the children’s cognitive and imaginative capacities.
In EYFS and Reception, building an interest and confidence in every child in French is actively encouraged, supported and developed through the use of songs, stories, games, rhymes, toys and role-play, art and design, as well as interactive whiteboard resources, primary languages websites and DVD clips. Typically, the children in Nursery will be learning how to greet one another and introduce themselves in French, covering topics such as numbers up to 10, colours, clothes, parts of the body, food and animals; as well as participating in whole school celebrations such as the European Day of Languages, Christmas (Noël), Easter (Pâques), la Fête des Rois (le six janvier), and Mardi Gras (Pancake Day). The emphasis is on speaking and listening: learning to communicate in French in real situations appropriate to the needs and interests of younger pupils.
At Key Stage 1, activities are gradually introduced to gently familiarise pupils to French in its written form. As their vocabulary grows, they can look for patterns in how words are pronounced, whilst being alert to exceptions and irregularities.
At Key Stage 2, the children are increasingly able to apply learning strategies to help them use known language in new contexts; to identify key words and phrases in speech and in written texts, and to use word lists and bilingual dictionaries with confidence to consolidate and extend their knowledge of French, thus enabling them to produce work, spoken, written and creative, of a high quality. We endeavour to send pupils on to their secondary schools feeling positive and equipped with the necessary skills to further pursue the learning of languages at Key Stage 3.