
We welcome enquiries from prospective parents. An appointment can be arranged to visit the School and meet our Headmaster. Please email our Admissions Secretary Miss Dean at or call 01273 553645.

Children can enter the Nursery at 2+ or Reception at 4+ and places are occasionally available in other year groups.

We ask parents who would like to register their child to complete a Registration Card and pay a non-returnable Registration Fee of £60 and School Deposit of £300. Confirmation of a place is then forwarded in writing. We embrace all religions and cultures into our school.

For children entering the School from Year 1, a Taster Day can be arranged and a general assessment will be made during their visit.

During the Summer Term we invite all new children to meet their teacher and visit the classroom. A Welcome Pack with general information is forwarded to parents at the start of the Summer holiday.

See our Schedule of Fees >

Windlesham School Uniform