Upper School (years 3-6)
Years 3 and 4 (Age 7 and 8)
In Years 3 and 4, the children continue to be taught by their class teacher with the support of Teaching Assistants. Specialist teachers continue to work in the areas outlined in the Lower School i.e. French, Music, Drama, P.E. and Swimming.
In Year 3, children have the opportunity to audition for the Larks Choir.
Years 5 and 6 (Ages 9 and 10+)
In Years 5 to 6, classes are taught by subject specialists. A ‘Tutor’ replaces the class teacher and meets with the children every morning during ‘Registration and Tutor Time’ as well as Form Time. As well as having the responsibility of overseeing the children’s pastoral care, tutors liaise with subject teachers regarding the children’s academic progress.
Preparation begins in Year 5 and continues throughout Year 6 to ensure children move smoothly and confidently on to the senior schools of their choice. During these years, pupils are encouraged to become more independent and are offered the chance to take on more responsibilities.
While the curriculum emphasis in the Upper School is placed on the core subjects of Maths, English and Science, academic progress is enriched throughout a wide range of other curriculum areas. Subjects covered in the curriculum are:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- French
- Geography
- History
- Religious Education
- Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE).
- Art/Design and Technology
- Drama
- Computing
- Music
- Physical Education including swimming, dance, gym and games
- Philosophy
- Beach School
- Reasoning is taught from Year 4 upwards, but children are introduced to the concept of reasoning in Year 2.
Enrichment sessions, activities and events (e.g. World Book Day, Maths Day) are organised during the school year. Sports fixtures are arranged for football, netball, rounders, tennis and cricket. Children also take part in swimming galas throughout the year. There are two choirs in the school. We have regular Choir practices and performances at the end of terms. Sports practices often take place after the end of the school day and a varied programme of after-school clubs is on offer to children throughout much of term-time. The range of clubs changes and evolves regularly but recent clubs have included Tennis, Cricket, Swimming, Water Polo, Netball, Rounders, Athletics, Volleyball, Art, Gardening, Board Games, Chess, Computer and Windlefun. Please note that after-school clubs are charged as an optional extra.